Black Tea

 Drinking black tea should be part of your daily routine. It provides many health benefits and is a refreshing break. Prepare it for your family on a regular basis so that they can stay healthy. Bring your black tea with you wherever you go. Keep it warm in an insulated water bottle in your lunch box or lunch bag so you can enjoy it with your midday meal.

Check out these easy steps to preparing black tea. 

Health Benefits

  1. Black tea has many nutrients that the human body needs. It is a good source of antioxidants such as
    polyphenols and catechins. These antioxidants help prevent damage to DNA that can lead to cancer.
  2. Regular consumption of black tea can reduce the risk of stroke and other possible cardiovascular disorders.
  3. Also, black tea has high tannin content, so it can be used to treat diarrhea and other intestinal issues. For maximum health benefits, diarrhea patients should drink black tea on a regular basis. It can offer relief to asthmatic patients too. When asthma patients sip it, their air passage will be expanded. This will ease their breathing.
  4. Regular intake of black tea can improve digestion. It strengthens the digestive system so that it can perform its function efficiently. It is also useful in the treatment of inflammation and high cholesterol. Pack some Black Tea in a smart thermos from Vaya and have on the go!


  1. Warm a cup with boiling water. Discard water and place tea leaves in the cup.
  2. Bring 3/4 cup water to a boil.
  3. Pour the boiled water in the cup so that it can cover the tea leaves.
  4. Make sure the cup is tightly covered so that the heat can be retained for a long time.
  5. Steep the black tea for about 3 minutes.
  6. Strain out the tea leaves.
  7. Add milk and serve at once.


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